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Have a quick look

Some of my favorite images I’ve captured.

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Apparel for artists

In early 2020, I started an independent, online clothing brand I call Handwritten Kin. With HK, I seek to create fun and unique apparel and accessories (stickers, mugs, etc.) for artists and writers - people like me who thrive upon being creative. All HK products are drawn or designed by yours truly with an earnest hope to spark further artistic inspiration in others. 

My aim is to continue growing this brand and inspire more artists to do what they love. You can help by clicking the button below and browsing the Handwritten Kin store. Or you can go tell an artist you know to browse it. Either one would be great. 


The Blog

Read my thoughts.


Finding Priorities

How do artists decide where to channel their time and attention?


Something New

My experience with trying new things and putting myself on the internet.